
Developer(s) Runtime Revolution, Ltd
Stable release 4.5.3 / January 2011
Operating system Mac OS X, Mac OS 9, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, iOS
Type Programming
License Proprietary
Website RunRev, Ltd

Runtime Revolution Ltd. makes the LiveCode cross-platform development environment (formerly the Revolution programming language) for creating applications that run on iOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris.



LiveCode began as an expert IDE for MetaCard, a development environment and GUI toolkit originally developed for UNIX development and later ported to support Microsoft Windows and Mac OS compilation. Runtime Revolution Ltd acquired MetaCard in July 2003 and released subsequent versions under the Revolution brand.

MetaCard built on the success of its predecessor HyperCard. Both HyperCard and MetaCard utilized an English-like language that arguably was easier to learn than BASIC.

The language has been known by several names including Transcript, RevTalk and as of November 2010 "LiveCode". The entire product including the IDE is now officially referred to as LiveCode. The iOS version is available as of December 2010, with the Android and Server Versions under development.


The LiveCode environment consists of a powerful and easy to use programming language, formerly called Transcript, an IDE framework, and an engine, which are all used together as a Rapid Application Development solution for cross-platform development. It natively supports both older PPC based Mac OS X targets and the newer Intel based Mac OS X; LiveCode was the first third party development IDE to support Mac OS X on Intel.

LiveCode projects can be deployed as standalone applications or as LiveCode Player files. LiveCode Player files utilize the LiveCode Player as an external runtime.

The IDE allows building of graphical user interface by dragging controls into a visual environment, with interactive feedback and modification of existing and custom properties through property inspectors. The LiveCode control palette includes both native application controls (edit fields, menus, buttons, operating system specific dialogs) as well as media controls such as a movie player and support for direct control over audio, text-to-speech, transparency and blend modes of all visual objects and more.

Although LiveCode generates cross-platform applications, it is still possible to add operating system specific features. For example, it is possible to utilize Quartz graphical features of Mac OS X, execute VB Scripts on Windows, and run UNIX shell applications.

LiveCode can support third-party media such as QuickTime (including Quicktime VR) and Flash. The development environment is used to develop software applications more quickly than traditional languages and the company has successfully grown a consultancy business designed to bring software to market in very short time periods. This is promoted under a Challenge RunRev banner where the company claims it can take on virtually any software development project and do it faster in the LiveCode language than any other programming language.

The company is supported by a number of investors including Mike Markkula who originally invested in Apple Computer Inc in 1976 and brought that company to market.

RunRev hosts an annual developer conference, which is normally held in the USA. However, it was held in Edinburgh, Scotland from September 1–4, 2009. The opening public keynote address was by Dr Robert Cailliau co-developer of the World Wide Web, with around 150 delegates in attendance. The 2011 conference will be held in April in San Jose, California.

On 11 November 2009 in San Francisco, the company officially launched version 4.0 of the Revolution programming language (renamed LiveCode in November 2010), officially bringing the revTalk language to the web.

In late 2009, the company launched the RunRev Partner Program giving all people programming in the LiveCode language the opportunity to work more closely with the core LiveCode development team. This provision of dedicated Technical Account Managers is part of the continued development of the LiveCode language and is designed to make it even more accessible.


LiveCode contains a built-in help system.

A wiki for user-authored documentation: [1].


LiveCode runs on:

Standalone applications written in LiveCode can run on the above, as well as Windows 3.1 and Windows Vista (with limitations).

Current editions

LiveCode deployment packs are available for mobile devices, Windows desktops, Mac OS X desktops, Linux desktops, and popular Web browsers on Windows, Mac and Linux including Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome and Firefox. LiveCode has pre-release deployment options available for server environments and additional mobile devices available for review.

LiveCode deployment packs start at $99 for a one-seat, personal use license, including LiveCode development for iOS. Commercial iOS development packs begin at $499. Additional deployment and service packs are available based on project, platform, users or other requirements. LiveCode service packs are offered for specific development environments, professional and commercial requirements, and educators, including universities and K-12 classrooms.

See also

External links